Every household has to experience the issues of drain clogging now and then. The clogging occurs when debris, dirt, and grease build up in the drain pipe. Sometimes the drain pies experience damage due to excessive growth of the tree roots in the surrounding. All these things have a huge impact on the entire drainage system of the house. For removing the clogs, many people embrace the water jetting technique. Have you ever heard of water jetting? Most often, professional drain cleaners use it to clean the drain pipes that have been clogged due to excessive debris, dirt, and grease. Earlier, the professionals used snake tools t clear the drain pipes. But it was not very effective. In modern times, professionals understand the significance of water jetting techniques and use them for cleaning the drain pipes. Many homeowners are not aware of water jetting and how to use it. Through this informative post, you will learn everything about water jetting.
What Do You Mean By Water Jetting?
The water jetting technique includes spraying water with high pressure through a nozzle that is specifically designed. The nozzle is attached to the water jet machine so that the water experience extreme pressure as it comes out from the jet. When the water pressure is applied to the drain pipes, it becomes easy to remove all the stubborn debris, dirt, and grease. Many professional drain cleaners use water jetting to clean the drain pipes because it can eradicate all types of debris, including hair, oils, unwashed food. Moreover, the water jet technique is also used for breaking off the roots of the trees.
Understanding The Working Of The Water Jets
If you consult any professional drain cleaners, to know about the water jetting process, then they would explain it to you in detail. We have done the same for you. While opting for the water jetting process to clean the drains, the professionals will follow a specific procedure. First of all, the professionals will inspect the drainage pipes to understand where is the actual problem. Besides this, the professionals will know where to insert the hose to clean the pipes. Once they have located the clogging, it becomes easier for them to direct the flow of water in a particular direction to remove the clogs.
The water jetting process must be handled by professionals only. They have the skills and expertise to fix the hose in the proper position. If the insertion of the water jet is in the wrong direction, it may damage the entire drainage pipe or break it. They may lead to experience repair work or replacement of the drainage pipes.
What All Things Can Be Removed With The Help Of Water Jetting?
Water jetting is an effective and efficient way in which you can clean the drain pipes. These are the things that you are can remove from the drain pipes.
- Food deposits
- Hair clogs
- Grease and fat deposits
- Sand
- Mineral deposits
- Silt
- Tree Roots (in some cases)
How Will You Know That You Require Water Jetting Treatment For The Drains?
Here are some indicators or warning signs that will help you to understand whether the drain requires water jetting treatment or not.
- If you are experiencing frequent backups in the plumbing system.
- If you can experience a foul smell from the sink and bathroom and other drainage outlets.
- If you are noticing a gurgling sound from the drainage pipes.
- You may have to deal with frequent clogs and blockages in the drain pipes.
- If the water is taking longer to flow down the drain.
You Should Follow These Steps To Ensure That The Water Jetting Technique Is Performed With Perfection
The professionals will inspect the drainage pipe from the start to the outlets. It will help them locate the clogs or problems with the drainage pipes. Once they have analyzed the location of the clogs in the drainage pipes, use the water jets to spray water at high pressure. This, in turn, will remove all the clogs from the drainage pipes. You can even use the water jet technique to break the roots of the trees and remove them before they start damaging the drainage pipes.
Now you have understood everything about water jetting and how it can be used for cleaning the clogs from the drain pipes. You can take help from professionals to clean the drain pipes with water jetting techniques. In Melbourne, the most trusted name when it comes to getting all your drain pipes running smoothly is Drain Fixers. GIve us a call and our experts shall get your drains working like new again.