Plumbing and drainage system problems can turn expensive if you are not taking immediate measures. What do you mean by plumbing emergencies? Clogging of the drain pipes in the kitchen or bathroom, slow water, stinking smell, and weird noises from the drainpipes are some of the situations you can consider plumbing emergencies. It is essential to inspect the drainage system wherever you come across any of these issues. Besides, it is crucial to get the help of professional drain cleaners. They have the right skills and expertise to inspect the drain pipes and identify the problems. Moreover, they have advanced tools to help them overcome drainage problems. You should not try out any DIY tricks to fix the drainage issues. When you do not have the experience to handle severe drain problems, you will cause more harm to the pipes. It will turn into an expensive repair and lead to the tedious replacement of drain pipes.
So what to do in the plumbing emergencies? Many homeowners feel overwhelmed or anxious while dealing with plumbing emergencies. They are not aware of the steps to follow amidst plumbing emergency situations.
You can follow these steps whenever you experience a plumbing emergency.
1. You Should Stop The Supply Of Water:
Whenever you experience a leak in the drain pipes, stop the flow of water through the pipes. There might be a crack or clog in the drain pipes that causes the leak. Apart from the taps, shut the valve of the main drainage line. It will help you to locate the leak and clog in the drainage system. Moreover, when the drain pipes dry, it is easy to repair with the help of chemical adhesives, and fixtures.
2. Switch Off The Electric Supply:
Running water in the water heater or storage can damage the entire water tank. It is essential to turn off the electric supply from the main electric box. Follow the same tactic for all the appliances in your house associated with water. It is an essential safety measure to protect your drainage system and your household appliances.
3. Drain Out The Liquid From The Sewer Lines:
Another important thing that you should follow during a plumbing emergency is to remove the liquid from the drain system. When you switch off the water and electric supply, the leftover water will remain standing in the sink or bathroom. Failing to remove the water will cause a stinking smell in the surrounding area. Moreover, it will be difficult for the drain cleaners to work. Therefore, drain out the leftover water from the drainage lines.
4. You Should Access The Damage Caused To The Drainage Pipes:
Once you have followed the above points, it is crucial to assess the damages incurred to the drain pipes. While doing so, you can check the cracks, leakages, clogs, and more. If you think it is a severe drainage issue, get help from professional durian cleaners. They will inspect the drain pipes and let you know the exact condition of the drain pipes. If the pipes require any repairing, they will let you know. In addition, the plumbers will provide estimation for the work. In simple words, when you get help from a professional, there is no need to worry.
5. Take The Picture Of The Drainage Issue:
Usually, the drainage issues are nominal and you do not need any insurance for it. But the plumbing emergencies can lead to expensive repair work or replacement of the drain pipes. It is better to be on the safe side and take pictures of the sewer system damage. It will help you to reimburse the unexpected expenses for the drainage system.
6. Getting Immediately Help From The Professional Drain Cleaners:
Experts recommend getting immediate help from professional drain cleaners to mitigate the plumbing emergency situation. They are available 24/7 to help you with a wide range of drainage issues. The professionals will inspect the damages and provide immediate repair work. In addition, the plumbers will guide you in the insurance process by providing a detailed report of the drainage damages.
Are you looking for emergency plumbing services? Consult Drain Fixers! They offer professional services for a wide range of drainage issues. You can visit the website to know more about their emergency drain fixing services. You can get an appointment for inspecting your drainage system today!